Antioch Baptist Church

God’s Goodness is Unfathomable

20160612_135657 How beautiful is that? Who could have ever known that the number zero would bring about such worship and praise, but that’s exactly what it did when the surprise announcement was made today that what was once a 1.2 million dollar debt just a few short years ago has now been paid off in its entirety. When we began this process knowing that we needed to increase worship, education, and fellowship space back in 2009 I don’t think any of us could have believed that we would be in the building under budget and ahead of schedule,  much less that we would pay off what seemed to be an impossible bank note in less than five years??? This is a testament to what God can do for those who are yielded, sacrificial and faithful to Him! What a joy it is to serve the one true Living God of the universe God who is able to do all things beyond our wildest dreams. With us this would have been impossible but we must remember it’s not about us it’s about  God with whom nothing is impossible. God bless you all for allowing Him to use you and your part in seeing this debt eradicated in record time.  Now on to the next step …we press forward to please and Glorify God as we continue to “Grow the Christian family at home and abroad”  have a wonderful week in HIM. I love and appreciate you all,

Pastor Dave