Antioch Baptist Church

Gratitude or Attitude?



Remember when we were kids and one of the first prayers we learned was “God is great, God is good, let us Thank Him for our food…”?  From a very early age I was taught that this was an absolute truth, and to say that God is Great and that God is good is an understatement.  I find however, as we get older that childlike wonder and faith in God sometimes wanes-God forbid! After 47 Thanksgivings I find today more than ever that God is so very merciful, so very gracious and so very loving-in ways we could never deserve and will never repay.  So I challenge each of you to once again remember to be grateful in all things understanding is is the glorious Father of lights who blesses us each and every day-and live in an attitude of gratitude. Join me Sunday in John 12 as we delve deeper into this thought process.  Bless you all and I pray you have a great weekend and begin your Thanksgiving week with us Sunday at Antioch.